Use of Cookies

This website may use technical cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computer of those who access the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the site. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary in nature, with the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient, and disappear when the user’s session ends. In no case, these cookies provide personal data by themselves and will not be used to collect them.

Through the use of cookies, it is also possible for the server where the website is located to recognize the browser used by the user in order to make navigation easier, allowing, for example, the access of users who have registered previously to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to register on each visit. They can also be used to measure the audience, traffic parameters, control the progress and number of entries, etc., being in these cases cookies that are technically indispensable but beneficial for the user. This website will not install expendable cookies without the prior consent of the user.

The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be alerted to the receipt of cookies and to prevent their installation on his computer. Please consult your browser’s instructions to expand this information.