La Perifèrica Produccions
Cinematographically, we highlight YO (Rafa Cortés, 2007), Isla Bonita (Fernando Colomo, 2015), La vida livre (Marc Recha, 2017), Formentera Lady (Pau Durà, 2018), Ardara (Ramon Fransoy and Xavier Puig, 2019); the short film Forastera (Lucía Aleñar, 2020) selected at Semaine de la Critique, Cannes; The belly of the sea (Agustí Villaronga, 2021) winner of 6 Biznagas at the Malaga Festival, including Best Film; QUEST (Antonina Obrador, 2023), Arca (Short. Antonina Obrador, 2023). And the co-production of Las chicas de la estación (Juana Macías, 2024)
And currently in production: Forastera (Feature. Lucia Aleñar).
Documentaries such as Phantasticus, the song of Ramon (2007), The phosphorescent traces of snails (2009), JL SERT. A nomadic dream (2013), Toni Catany. Time and things (2015), The Bishop, the architect and the baldachin. Gaudí in the Cathedral of Mallorca (2015), The suitcase of Madame Colette (2019), Behind the shadow of Natacha Rambova (2019), Drawing Max (2020), William Waldren, the alchemists footprint (2021), Mrs. Death (2021), La Germania. Mallorca 1521-1523 (2022), Death in the Island (2023), Portraits from paradise. Veronica More & Tom Weedon (2023).Signs in the sand. Mallorca 1983 (2024); Compass of silence. Jean Marie del Moral-Miquel Barceló (2024)
And currently in production: The little pawn; Què s’amaga a la garriga de Son Fornés?; Gatamoix. Passat i present de s’Albufera de Mallorca.
Our productions have traveled and won awards at the most recognized international festivals: from Cannes to Toronto, via Tällin, Amsterdam, Montreal, Toulouse, Mexico and a long list of others.
In the television field, we have several debate series, documentary and fiction series, currently: Sabies que…? (Did you know that…?) entertainment program 20 ch. x 30 min, Dinamo cultural outreach program 10 ch. x 30 min.
In terms of creativity, in recent years we can highlight the design, script and direction of the CSCAE Architecture Awards Gala 2024 (Madrid); the video commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Es Baluard Museum (2024); the video promoting tourism for the Alcúdia Town Hall, Alcúdia. A fascinating culture (2024); the advertising spots campaign for Ecoembes/Emaya Un día redondo (2022); …

Our Team
The team, which has been working at the head of La Perifèrica for more than 25 years, is made up of a group of people with extensive experience in the audiovisual world.
Cesc Mulet
CEO, director, screenwriter and producer
Núria Cano
Chief of production
Bàrbara Ferrer
Chief of production
Montse Rodríguez
Executive production and cost controller
Jaume Caldentey
Cinematographer, camera operator and photographer
Roberto Rodríguez
Editing and motion graphics
Xesca Rebassa
Production and head of post-production