Mallorca 1983. Signs in the sand
A documentary focused on the explosion of freedom and creativity, the cultural and musical revolution that shook the island during “La Movida” in the eighties. Read more →
The Rythm of Silence. Jean Marie del Moral-Miquel Barceló
La seva amistat s’inicia als anys 80 i continua quatre dècades després. Des d’aquella primera època, Miquel Barceló (l’artista) en el seu taller de París, Mali, Mallorca,… ha estat retratat per Jean Marie del Moral (el fotògraf). Read more →
Portraits from Paradise. Tom Weedon & Veronica More
Portraits from Paradise is the audiovisual account of the existential journey of Tom Weedon, English photographer, tireless traveler, unique observer and authentic “Street photographer”. Read more →
La Germania. Open case
We discover a fairly unknown page of our history. For many scholars, Germania represents the decisive step in Mallorca’s entry into the modern age. Read more →
Mrs. Death
The documentary ‘Mrs. Death’ is about understanding postmortem photography through the current owners of these portraits and those who still have the need to visualize death. Read more →
William Waldren. The alchemist’s imprint
Painter, sculptor and artistic designer, William Waldren was a pioneer in the study of prehistory in the Balearic Islands Read more →
Drawing Max
Documental sobre la vida i l’obra del dibuixant i historietista “Max”, un autor referent del còmic des dels anys 70. Combina humor, frescor, surrealisme i reflexions filosòfiques. Read more →
The suitcase of Madame Colette
A suitcase opened in 2016 uncovers the figure, life and work of Madame Colette. A woman of the world, born in France; a unique seamstress and reporter, who arrived in Mallorca in 1953 to recover physically from a long time… Read more →
The Bishop, the architect and the canopy. Gaudí in Mallorca Cathedral
For centuries on end, the silhouette of the Mallorca Cathedral has been reflected in the Mediterranean sea. This church, begun in the 14th century, houses the legacy of the succeeding generations. Antoni Gaudí, nicknamed “God’s Architect,” and creator of the… Read more →
Audiovisual production company
In Mallorca since 1997

See the world from the periphery