Title: The Bishop, the architect and the canopy. Gaudí in Mallorca Cathedral
Durada: 55 min
Year: 2015
Genre: Documental
VO: Catalan and Spanish
Versions: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Germany
Target: All audiences
Direction: Cesc Mulet
Script: Elena Ortega, Cesc Mulet
DOP and camera: Jaume Caldentey
Production: Núria Cano
Production assist: Xesca Rebassa
Editing: Ángel García
Voice over: Miquel Àngel Torrens
Original soundtrack: Jaume Tugores
Motion graphics: Luis Ozonas
La Perifèrica Produccions and Catedral de Mallorca co-produced by IB3
For centuries on end, the silhouette of the Mallorca Cathedral has been reflected in the Mediterranean sea. This church, begun in the 14th century, houses the legacy of the succeeding generations. Antoni Gaudí, nicknamed “God’s Architect,” and creator of the Sagrada Família (Barcelona), one of the most iconic buildings in the world, worked on the Mallorca Cathedral from 1904 to 1914. Gaudí considered this Gothic building “a poem written in stone,” and to it he dedicated his rhymes in ceramics, stained glass, iron filigree and liturgical pieces.
The project was left unfinished upon the bishop’s death, but its creative genius continues to shine today.
‘Gentlemen, I don’t know whether we have given the title of architect to a madman or to a genius, time will tell’.
Featuring: Jordi Bonet, Architect emeritus, Sagrada Família, Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Art Historian and Critic, Rafael Moneo, Architect, Catalina Mas, Conservator Mallorca Cathedral, Miquel Barceló, Artist, Pere Fullana, Director Mallorca Cathedral Archives, Mercè Gambús, Art History Professor (UIB), Teodor Suau, Vice-President and liturgy Prefect, Mallorca Cathedral, Gabriel Janer Manila, Writer.

“Everything stems from the great book of nature,” declared Gaudí. The dialogue between architecture and nature is always present in his works. He found inspiration in zoology, geology, botany, and, with the help of craftsmen, he gave form to his creations using iron, wood, ceramics, stone, paint, and glass. Gaudí also sought the collaboration of the finest professionals, such as architects Joan Rubió and Josep Maria Jujol, who joined him on his bold intervention in the Mallorca Cathedral.

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