Title: Drawing Max
Duration: 67 min
Year: 2020
Genre: Documental
Language: Catalán / Castellano / Inglés / Francés
Target: Todos los públicos
Direction and Script: Max & Cesc Mulet
Production: Núria Cano
Production Assistant: Xesca Rebassa / Gloria Gàlvez
Director of Photography: Jaume Caldentey
Cameras and Drone: Ángel García / Diego Villalonga
Original Soundtrack: Kiko Barrenengoa
Edition: Roberto Rodríguez
Narration: Marta Vives
A production by La Perifèrica Produccions and Oberon Cinematogràfica in co-production with IB3 Televisió de les Illes Balears, with the collaboration of TVC Televisió de Catalunya, IEB/Institut de Estudis Baleàrics, and with the participation of Consell de Mallorca. Departamento Cultura y Patrimonio.
From the heart of Mallorca, we discover the world and the work of Max through the author’s words and his stroke, looking at his subconscious, his influences and sources of inspiration, his library, his workshop, his creative process and his tools. A documentary about his work, without interviews, where Max himself reveals to us the reason for his work, his interior with symbols, dreams, fantastic and irreverent kingdoms… “look inside yourself”
The documentary moves between the first and the third person, between fiction and documentary. We inhabit his vignettes and recognize a narrator labeled as a metaphysical humorist, philosopher, surrealist, irreverent. A world that is animated and the fruit of Max’s fantasy and subconscious, reinforced by Kiko Barrenengoa’s soundtrack.
- 2021: Official Selection Best Short Film LeFIFA Le Festival International du Film sur l’Art (Montreal)
- 2020: Official Selection IDFA Festival (Amsterdam)
Winner of the National Comic Prize in 2007, MAX combines humour, freshness, spontaneity and hooliganism, surrealism and philosophical reflections.

A documentary about his work, without interviews, where MAX reveals the reason for his work, his inner self with symbols, dreams, fantastic and irreverent realms… “looking inside oneself”. We will meet the intimate MAX: we will follow his routine, when he wakes up early and with a cup of coffee, always accompanied by his notebook, he outlines and sketches his stories. And the public MAX: invited to workshops, conferences, meetings, festivals, exhibitions… The documentary moves between the first and the third person, between fiction and documentary. We inhabit his vignettes and recognise a narrator labelled as a metaphysical humorist, philosopher, surrealist and irreverent.

Disponible online: https://www.filmin.es/pelicula/dibujando-a-max