Title: Compàs de silenci. Jean Marie del Moral-Miquel Barceló
Duration: 77 min
Year: 2024
Genre: Documental
Language: Català, castellà i francés
Target: Tots els públics

A production by La Perifèrica Produccions and Allegra Films, with 3CAT and IB3 Televisió, with the participation of ICIB/Institut d’Indústries culturals de les Illes Balears and ICEC/Institut Català d’Empreses Culturals
Their friendship began in the 1980s and continues four decades later. Since that first period, Miquel Barceló (the artist) in his studio in Paris, Mali, Mallorca,… has been portrayed by Jean Marie del Moral (the photographer).
The images, frozen in time, reveal his life trajectory and illuminate the mystery of the painter’s artistic creation.
In 1978, the young photographer (son of Spanish exiles, France, 1952), an envoy of the newspaper L’Humanité, entered the studio of a painter for the first time. That was Joan Miró. From that day on, Del Moral would not stop photographing painters and sculptors and, above all, the mental space that the studios and the objects that inhabit them tell us about. From Miró to Ai Wei Wei: Tàpies, Saura, Lichtenstein, Motherwell, Esther Ferrer, Campano, Fenosa, Chillida, Antonio López?
With a powerful photographic narrative taken over almost 40 years, Del Moral creates a revealing profile of Miquel Barceló and constructs an exciting chronicle of Spanish and contemporary art.