Title: Carbón
Duration: 19 min.
Year: 2022 – 2023
Genre: Exhibition, Short film
La Perifèrica Produccions
Le Festival International du Film sur l’Art (Le FIFA) – Best Short Film Official Selection 2022
A story of MAX and Cesc Mulet.
The paper is blank. MAX, the cartoonist, tries to close a story that is running around in his head. Research and develop references, create outlines, make drafts. ruminate, hum, rehearse… Take the pulse to find the tone, the size, the narrative thread and the precise drawing.
This exhibition combines the film Carbon, a story by MAX and Cesc Mulet (La Perifèrica Produccions), where the artist’s imagination is recreated, with the exhibition space.
The walls are covered with copies of the original REY CARBÓN (Edicions La Cúpula, Barcelona) and the furniture and a series of poetic elements have come to life from the screen. The blackboard, the desk, the traffic sign… are distributed throughout the space.
It snowed…